Sunday, June 21, 2009

Rob Was Going To Quit

LOS ANGELES, Calif. --
Robert Pattinson may be famous to millions of “Twilight” fans for playing Edward Cullen, but he almost quit acting before landing the vampire role which made him a star, his director on his latest film, “How To Be,” told People.
“He was thinking about giving up acting,” Oliver Irving told the mag. “Maybe doing music solely when [‘How To Be’] came along.”
“How To Be,” which features Robert in the lead role as a young musician who hires a self-help guru, was filmed before “Twilight.” (The star went on to have an original song, “Never Think,” on the “Twilight” soundtrack.)
“He was looking for something more challenging,” Oliver said, adding that the film, “got him back into the swing of things again.”
He also praised the actor’s musical abilities on the set.
“He downplayed how good he was,” the director said. “A lot of the time he would turn out to have a really good technique and we told him he needed to play it more simply.”
And the handsome star’s musical talent wasn’t the only thing that needed to be downplayed.
“I said, ‘You’re banned from cutting your hair between now and the shoot,’” Oliver said. “We had to give him the most awkward haircut we possibly could, and we cut his trouser length a little bit too high. Things like that played down his apparent good looks.”

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